Friday, July 29, 2005


well we all are procrastinaters at points in time and get around to doing stuff Requires quicktime 7 available at we had 24 hrs to make this film, excluding the soundtrack (although i ended up writing part of it). And lo and behold it got screened at the Milwaukee Art Museum last night too, it was a lot of fun and definately a good birthday present. enjoy!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Congrats to Ben and Jess

Well, they have been silent on this blog about the challenge before them so I will tell you some news and they can fill in details when they catch up on some sleep. Ben & Jess entered the Milwaukee Art Museum & Milwaukee Film Festival's 24 Make a Film Challenge (to make a short film between yesterday AM and this AM). Then, today, some of the films were selected to be seen at the screening tonight and theirs is one of them! As I write this, they are at the Milwaukee Art Museum at the screening! Quite an exciting "gift" for Ben's 22 Birthday today!! Congrats to B & J: give us all the detials when you wake up.

Monday, July 25, 2005


Look at the Old Cushman Store!

Look what's new in Cushman Village! I don't know who is taking over the old store or what they are doing with it but, I like the paintings they put over the windows and door. Anyone know what is going on there?

The Cushman Hen

The Cushman Rooster

The Cushman Egg

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Spiritual Progressives

Here's an interesting web site for those of you who have a faith that is important to you but are not fans of the religious right, Bush etc.
Cut and paste (I can't remember how to make this a link from the blog opps)

House and Garden Magazine Never Fails

In the August issue there is an article on Amy Perlin Antiques, in New York. But she has a web site too. I've never seen so many rare pieces in my life. Check it out. Very inspiring.