Monday, September 26, 2005

Jesus Radicals

Check this out! Great readings posted online!


Blogger Carol Soules said...

Interesting. I didn't have time tonight to read any of the posted articles...but.... I do recognize several of the authors listed in their online "library."

I found the following sentences of interest in their description, particularly the last sentence :-)

The library contains radical and subversive writings by several prominent Christian theologians.The work here reflects the alien nature of following Christ, and being a people in exile, "living out of control". These theologians are challenging the standard reading of the bible and Christ presented in today's mainstream establishments. Their writings are uncompromising and threatening to the cheap theology characteristic of the North American Church.

8:25 PM  
Blogger greenezo said...

this is a good site. definately where i am at in a lot of ways right now. ian has the conference cds...or rather i am borrowing them from ian and need to return them.

2:44 PM  
Blogger greenezo said...

in addition: i would be interested in having a round table or round something conversation with anyone who would be into it, talking about the implications of being a 'Jesus radical'. asking such hard questions as with anything, what is the point, is it really a perspective that reflects Jesus's teaching, how does one live it out, what are the social/political implications, what does this have to say about the church. as i said before i find this all very appealing...but i also have a tendency jump on subversive bandwagons without fully considering the direction and the truth of the ellul often points out, we have a tendancy as christians to jump onto a bandwagon or philosophical trend and then try to figure out how to make our new views fit with those of Jesus. the result is to make revelation a sham...

2:53 PM  
Blogger Caritas said...

This (a roundtable discussion) is actually something I have been thinking about for a while. So I would definitely be into helping plan something. I would commend Dorothy Day and the whole Catholic Worker Philosophy as something that has been formative for me. I have some friends near by in Ware who are trying to live some of this out. Check out They love visitors and have lots of events. See especially St. Francis day and the College Retreat.

3:27 PM  
Blogger Carol Soules said...

I checked out the link, Leah. Thanks for posting it. Very interesting. I had not heard about these guys....soclose by, too. I would be interested in checking it out if anyone else wants to join me let me know.

12:04 AM  

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