Friday, September 23, 2005

ramp progress

things are coming along nicely. we should be done by next friday or saturday if all goes according to plan. total project cost somewhere around $1200. we'll be adding another 8ft section on next spring. thats why the foundation is so freakin big. man leveling all those blocks took almost as long as it will take to build the rest of the ramp. something to be said for a solid foundation. i could go one step further and make that wonderfully true clichéd christian parallel...but i won't.


Blogger Carol Soules said...

Geeez. Looks like you are building a house!!
Can't wait to see it.....

12:52 AM  
Blogger Melinda Williams said...

Go guys! Sounds Great. Lee is oohing and ahhing with an "sweet" added in.

11:41 AM  
Blogger Carol Soules said...

Looks like the deck will provide a great photo op!

11:24 PM  

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