Thursday, December 01, 2005

"Can I speak into your life?"

I heard this phrase a lot at YWAM. Sometimes it was much needed. Other times it was abused and heavy-handed.
However, there is a need among Christians who are interpersonally connected to do this (preferably refraining from any preface, such as "Can I speak into your life?"). If you have something to say, just say it. As I write my essay, I am reminded how such times of rebuke and honesty were the turning points in many relationships. So here's to all of you who've had the guts to do it, and reminder that we should not be afraid to do it. Risk offence, and help someone see the light of Christ. Had Christ not offended us, we would not be saved.


Blogger Carol Soules said...

Yes...yet this can also be abused.... Unfortunately I have seen people damaged or hurt by the misuse of this type of thing way too many times in my counseling. In fact it was the core of one session just today. So, might I add that unsolicited advice and words of "wisdom" should be very very carefully thot and meted out and are best received within the context of a strong relationship, one where there is pretty deep knowledge of the person and the situation.. and without presuming that your view is the only right or righteous view. If the perosn is not looking for your input, I actually think it is best if you do ask if you might offer some input before you do it. I feel it is more respectful of the person.

10:00 PM  
Blogger Chris TerryNelson said...

Both good caveats, much appreciated. . .

10:59 AM  

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